Friday, January 7, 2011

And Away We Go

Matt just went to lie down and I quote, "Nothing quite like a sugar and caffeine withdrawl headache...
Need I say more..."

I'm so proud of him...

I can count on one hand the number of days since the age of 15 that I haven't chewed gum.  Today was one of those days.  I can't believe I did it, quite frankly.  My cravings to chew a piece of gum must have numbersd in the dozens today.  And not eating anything sweet after dinner?  Nuts.

I totally commiserate with the millions of people who attempt dieting.  It's. So. Hard.  You have to change your habits, your attention, your whole relationship with food.  All I know is the first step is attention and mindfulness.  If you can master your attention then you can master the universe.  Well, your own personal universe, that is.

I want a piece of gum.  I need a piece of gum.  I am so used to popping a piece of gum into my mouth after I eat.  I have ran many many miles while chewing a piece of gum.  I need gum because my mind is so used to having it.  Go figure.  Distraction, really does work.  And you know what?  I Don't need that piece of gum.  It's the end of the day and the earth is still spinning and I'm still here.
I'm eager to break this habit.

I have a bit of a headache and I'm a little cranky.  Otherwise, I already feel better.  Plenty of energy even without the coffee.  We ate quite good food.  I feel nourished.  And certainly accomplished.
If we can overcome ourselves, we can overcome anything.

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