Monday, June 8, 2009

Less thought, more action!

Back to basics! You start with a goal then devise a plan to get you there. I have so many bursting ideas in my head but they are useless if they stay up there! Words mean nothing without action!

Friday, March 13, 2009

So a few months ago I decided to train for the Pittsburgh marathon this May. I'm an avid runner but had never gone further than 6 or 7 miles. The decision was born from the idea of choosing a lofty goal, something I had never done before, and actually sticking to it...planning it carefully and really seeing it through.

A lot of times, running or working out in is very analogous to the rest of my life. I was running this morning, an easy 8 miles or so, and I was reflecting on how good it felt and also how it didn't always feel so easy...

Rewind to spring of 2007: I was eager to get moving again after I gave birth to my son, I couldn't wait to return to good physical condition and I just remember how HARD it was at first. Everything hurt from the inside out. It was painful and very very frustrating. All I could run in the beginning was a meager 10 minutes or so, and I looked and sounded horrible!

But I just keep going, despite my frustration, despite my achey knees, despite my insecurity. I kept at it, one day at a time, one mile at a time until it felt good again. and thank God I did.

I'm really starting to apply this principle everywhere else in my life. I don't want to give up on somthing just because it's hard or painful or because I'm afraid of what others might think. Or maybe I can't stand the fear of not knowing the outcome or even getting exactly it is that I want!

The best rewards in life are seldom easy. We can have a vision, an intention, a dream; we can follow it with some action and do the work, even when we don't feel like it; have some faith and accept the outcome.

Simple, not always easy.