Friday, August 26, 2011

Refreshed and Ready to Go

Ahhh, vacation.  To me, not only a luxury but a necessity.
Today we are returning from a ten-day vacation on Martha's Vineyard.  It was such a wonderful experience: lots of uninterrupted, quality time with my husband and little man; beautiful landscape with miles of green farmland, colorful beach-side cliffs and one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen; the most celebrated, historical (150 years old!) and iconic agricultural fair, a very successful fishing trip; and, as promised, the most spectacular fireworks show on earth.

But the quality of my vacation is not only in the location, duration or itinerary of the trip but in my ability to live in the moment.  When I stay in the moment, time doesn't fly.  When I savor each experience, I have no need to worry or ruminate.  Mindfulness is the best way I know how to give my over-extended brain a break. 

I've had a lot of great workouts on this trip...thanks to the extra hour and a half I get in the morning while the boys sleep in.  I had one long run of about 12 miles from the town where I stayed to the next town up north.  Plenty of ocean and scenery to distract my legs.  I did the same trip on my bike one morning.  A few miles to and from the beach a coupld days rounded out the endurance.  The whole family struggled with a nasty cold so my breathing suffered a lot. 

I visited a local yoga studio, which is always a treat.  I always feel at home and the people are always genuine and friendly.  I spent a few mornings on the mat in our back yard, once with Aidan along side me modifying his own little practice.  I will treasure that morning forever.

And now back to life at home.  I did spend a day or two feeling "in the weeds" but it was all worry and no reality.  My brain is so used to overdrive.  I'm still learning to relax and realize I'm never really behind...well, not as much as I think :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sometimes it Hurts but I Just Keep Running

My husband and I went to the Laurel Highlands yesterday.  It was beautiful.  We wanted to spend some time outdoors, which we both love.  He spent a few hours fly fishing and I spent a few hours on a long run.  I love running long on the Great Allegheny's scenic, flat and surrounded by fresh air.

I set out and had a great couple hours.  The only downside of the trail, as opposed to running in the city, is that once you run an hour in one direction you have no other option but to turn around and come back.....there are no short cuts, no different ways of returning.  Every time in this circumstance I always have a bit of apprehension about that second hour.  What if I get dehydrated?  What if my legs give out?

Of course these are real possibilities but I could never run a marathon if I let these fears dictate my running.  Yes I was sore, yes my knees hurt.  And I was certainly thirsty...I only had one bottled water I carried with me.  Unlike the city, there aren't too many (if any) water fountains a long the trail.  But I made it.  I ran the second hour faster than the first.  I ran over 14 miles and felt great for having done so.

During my run I was thinking about my younger years when I really ran competitively.  No one ever taught me to work hard.  I really didn't know how or what that meant.  If I started to feel uncomfortable during training or even during a race I always backed off.  Always.  I suppose I felt that if I pushed it too hard something bad would happen.  Plus I just didn't like to feel uncomfortable.

Really the first time I overcame this was my first marathon a few years back.  Hard work never promises no pain.  But most often there is always a reward of sorts on the other side.  This lesson shows up everywhere in my life these days.  Discomfort means growth in so many circumstances.  All I need is a little faith and support to wait out the discomfort long enough for the miracle.  I am so grateful that I've learned this over the course of my young life.  As long as I respect my body and my spirit, hard work always pays a dividend.

I'll just keep running!