Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Plus One Equals....

I heard a great line recently that goes soemthing like this:

You can workout everyday, hard and long, and you'll be fit.  But unless you eat healthfully, you won't look it.

It's the harsh truth!  It's a common issue amongst the folks I work with and amongst the general population.  But you figure even if you work out 60 minutes a day, which is what the Dietary Guidelines recommend for weight loss, you're still eating and sedentary for the rest of the time that you're not exercising.  You can completely negate your efforts with an unhealthy diet.  You can also negate your exercise with simply eating too much.  Even too much healthy food will create a calorie excess.

I firmly believe that there is no magic diet or product that works best for weight loss.  I am old-fashioned.  It's about what types of food we choose and how much.  It's about lifestyle choices.  We have to choose a way of eating that we can live with and also that we enjoy!

I use Michael Pollan's wisdom (he's the author of great reads such as The Omnivore's Dilema and Food Rules).  He says eat food, not too much, mostly plants.  Simple, easy and right on as far as I'm concerned.  I'm going to build on this in the coming posts.  I'm always hot on nutrition.  What we put in our body is one of the very few things we CAN control in out lives and it makes such a huge difference in so so many ways.  Stay tuned for more of my passionate nutritional antics :)

1 comment:

  1. love it. keep pounding the keyboard, love your brain!! xoxo
