Sunday, February 13, 2011

30s Rock

Happy birthday to me!!!

I am full of peace and gratitude today.  Not only have have I had the most wonderful weekend (thank you friends and wonderful husband) but I've been in this constant state of reflection and grace for the last 48 hours.  My twenties were tough, dark sometimes and very tumultuous.  Thos of you who know me, know exactly what I mean.  It's amazing, absolutely amazing for me to think back over the last decade a.nd see how my life has changes, the people in my life has changed, how I've changed.  Amazing.

The last year, the first of the thirtieth decade, was by far, the most humbling, rewarding year of my life.  Above all else I've really gotten to know who I am, where I come from and where I'd like to go (at least set the sail).  I learned how to take care of myself.  Some people will never learn that all-important practice.

The biggest obstacle I find that people, mostly women, have in making themselves a priority is that they feel guilty.  Guilt, guilt, blah.  I can tell you the amount of time I devote to my enrichment, which includes but is not limited to, exercise, cooking, praying, meditating and self-reflection...finding ways to completely disengage from my mental clutter, is far worth the effort.

And you knows who benefits most?  My son, for sure.  my clients, my husband and all the people the matter most in my llife.  My job, my household, and really...I become more available and willing to help other people.  Nurturing my inner self allows me freedom to become selfless.  Such a strange paradox.  But true!

I have so much to look forward to this year.  I've never felt better, been more at peace and so excited for tomorrow.

I love my thrities so far!

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