Monday, April 7, 2008

Mind Over...Madness?

Hello, fitness friends! We've all heard of the power of positive thinking but how many of us actually put that into practice? Lately in my line of work, I've been realizing just how important it is to prepare your mind first and foremost before accomplishing any goal!

The first assessment I make with new clients is where they are mentally, in terms of how much they believe in themseves and their ability to make changes. When we want something, a new job, a raise, healthly relationships, getting pregnant, we have to imagine it first, visualize it, before we can take action to make it happen. If I'm constantly saying things to myself like, "I can't lose weight no matter what I do or how I eat" or "I've always been this way and I'll never change" then nothing will change.

If we always do what we always did then we will always get what we always got.

If we truly believe something can happen, really belive it, have faith, then we naturally take steps to get ourselves to that end. This is really amazing. And simple! Try it!

It's no wonder why people who are sick a lot tend to stay sick. Negative people breed more negativity. The greatest thing about this phenomenon is that we can choose ourattitude and out disposition. So why not try a positive attitude and start visualizing your goals?! It works!

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